
Eric the Horse

A Retired Horse Session from the Alberta Prairie

Some people give and give of themselves. Eric’s owner is one of those people, in fact his whole family is. When I was approached by a mutual friend ( I will call her Mrs. S) about doing a horse portrait session of Eric as a gift, I was more than excited to be able to be a part of doing something special for this individual. Eric is his baby, his been through it all together pal, but Eric is an aging old boy. It was the desire of Mrs. S to sneak out to the pasture where Eric lives and get some amazing photos for Eric’s owner to have forever.

It is a heartbreaking thing to accept that if you have a senior horse in your pasture that every day is a blessing to be able to look out and see them there. They after all can’t tell you when something just doesn’t feel right. They depend on us to notice the slight loss of that twinkle in their eye, perhaps their reluctance to eat their hay or a multitude of other symptoms.It is natural for them to age, like we do. Their teeth can fall out, or cause them problems. They can develop arthritis or problems with their feet. They need extra vitamins or a special diet to sustain a healthy body.

This session hit home with me, as I have an Eric in my pasture. I love these pictures of Eric, as he is, even with his dirty nose and grass in his tail.

If you have a fur family or are an animal lover you understand how much this gift will mean to Eric’s owner.

Retired Horse, Senior Horse Session
Retired Horse, Senior Horse Photography
Retired Horse, Senior Horse Session
Retired Horse, Senior Horse Photography
Retired Horse, Senior Horse Photography
Retired Horse, Senior Horse Photography

Hey there, I'm Nicole

I live on the prairies, where my dreams have merged with the view. It is quiet from the noises of suburbia yet loud with the noises of horses, sheep and chickens. Once in a while, I leave to wander in the streets, but always a part of my heart is left here on the hill.

Nicole templeton

Nicole Templeton

Books on my shelf:



Harry Potter


The Inheritance Games



My Favorites:

Chia Lattes


The Colour Grey


Reading on a rainy day


Dressage Ponies

favorite quote:

"You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you."

Mr. Darcy-Pride & Prejudice

Follow me on Instagram @original.nicole.marie


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