The decision to retire Rygel
Evenings seem to be exceptionally peaceful on the farm. I find solace in walking each night as the sun sets, taking note of the animals and observing them.
September 3rd was no different. Plans were being made for Dolly and Rygel to attend lessons and shows over the winter months. As I watched Rygel eating in the pasture, I enjoyed listening to the birds singing, following him from afar as he headed to the pond for a drink. As the water dripped from his muzzle and made ripples, I felt at peace. Home truly is where the heart is.
Turning and eyeing the sand, Rygel laid down and had a good roll. Using the sand to scratch the spots that needed a good rubbing. Unlike himself, he stayed there. As I went up to him to wipe the sand off his eyes, he laid out and started to have a seizure. Panic, heartbreak, and fear flooded through me. Feeling utterly helpless, I stood there, tears streaming down my face, waiting for it to end. He came out of it, groggy to start, but within 5 minutes, he was back to eating grass.
We have made trips to the vet, trying to find what has caused this. Rygel’s blood levels are all spot on. Things have been ruled out, and at this point, our next step would be to explore neurological issues. Dolly and I have sat down and discussed what this would mean to us. As he has not had any others that we have noticed and is otherwise healthy, we have decided to retire him and enjoy him daily, letting him finish his days as a pasture pony. I am sure that occasionally we will saddle him up and go for a trail ride through the hills. He deserves that.

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