I read an article online the other day, highlighting the great things that happened during quarantine or after a plague. Sir Isaac Newton developed calculus and the theory of gravity. At the same time, the University of Cambridge was closed because of the bubonic plague, and Shakespeare wrote King Lear while quarantined during a plague. The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper and the ceiling at the Sistine Chapel were all painted during the Renaissance Period, which developed after the Black Death. The ingenuity of those creatives who took a time of uncertainty and used it creatively can encourage equestrians to connect and grow creatively.
How Will You Connect?
It is hard to see all of the notices for barns closing to the public, clinics and shows being cancelled or rescheduled to a later date. More and more people are relying on turning to their social media accounts to reach out and connect with their community and to find an escape. As equestrians, we have a real chance to share positivity and to be an inspiration to each other. The opportunity to creatively connect with people and give them an escape in a virtual sea of statistics is right in front of us.
Getting creative with attracting an audience now while people can’t get to the barn or out to shows and clinics is ideal. That way when they are able to be out and about to all the equestrian events again, you will be the first account they think of!

Need Some Ideas to get you started?
- Learn a new skill by reading. Can’t get to the library? Scribd is a great service allowing you to have access to books, magazines and audiobooks from anywhere you have a wifi connection. The best part about Scribd is I can give you 60 days for free when you join!
- Create a Virtual Tour of your farm or barn. Chore time, cleaning tack, painting jumps or doctoring an injury are all tasks you can use to interact with other equestrians.
- Create a virtual hang out.
- Create your Social Media posts ahead of time with The Equestrian Hustle Content Calendar.